Sunday, September 16, 2012

Random Spring Events

The tree came down.  Grandma and Grandpa had the large tree just outside the house cut down because it was very old and weak.  Grandma had nightmares about it falling on the house when the grand kids were sleeping there!  Had they not taken it down at 7 AM we would have been there to watch it.  But we stopped by in the evening to see the aftermath - the kids were in seventh heaven jumping and climbing all over it!  And just weeks later we had a nasty wind storm blow through that no doubt would have taken it down, so good timing on their part!  However, it certainly changed the look of the place - it was probably there for over 125 years as best as we could count.

And, Kindergarten information night.  Sigh.  At the time I was doing a great job of acting excited, so she was pretty excited to get to school.  Tim of course was busy, so I had to take her by myself.  They talked to all of us for about 20 minutes before they took the kids to do "things" and I felt like they were watching to see how our kids acted!  Which parents just stuck technology in their hands to keep them quiet!?  Sheesh!  The pressure!!

And while I had high hopes it would be the summer of croquet - it was more of the summer of legos and SMOOTHIES!!

The Tulip Festival with Auntie M.  Always a good time.  This years treat:  piano and singing in her room.  :)

This day even wore Grace out!!  :)

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