Sunday, March 11, 2012

Princess Party!

One of Grace's classmates hosted a princess party for all the little girls in class.  :)  You'll notice her first choice in outfit before the wardrobe change.  Hair and nails, then off to dance and  play!  She really enjoyed the big pillow at the end of the party too!  (I have a cute video of Grace "dancing" but can't get it to turn.) (**also, I want to remember.... Grace was in tears at one point, and when asked what was wrong she said, "Child's Name Here" has been mean to me all morning!"  Me:  "Which one is she?  You want me to push her down?"  Grace didn't find this funny, but I suggested she try and stay away from her, and I'd keep an eye out.  The little girl who was hosting the party looked at me after she noticed Grace crying, like "what is wrong with her?!" but then went on to be SUPER sweet to Grace by playing with her and making sure she was ok.  Broke my heart to see Grace hurt, but then fixed it all up when the little one was super sweet to her!!  Turns out "Child's Name Here" is a problem that the two other moms I was sitting with knew all about!! Good grief AT AGE 5?!?!)

With the ease of taking pictures on my iPhone, it makes my posts all out of order on the blog.  I've decided I'm ok with it, knowing that sometime in February is when all this stuff happened.  :)  The picture files are all dated, so if I needed the exact dates, I could find them,  I guess. 

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